Saturday, February 18, 2012

Build your business dream in Virtonomics

Virtonomics is the economic online game with massive players which reflects a wild range of interests. You do not have to have deeper understanding on economics or any kind of special education to take part in this game. At the same time, it allows you to study many aspects of management in a clear and entertaining way. As for the economy experts, you will find that Virtonomics is an inexhaustible source of useful observations and a place where you can try different business strategies. In Virtonomics, business is done virtually but people ways are real. There are a few fields of economy represented in the game which has more than 100 different products and constantly working on increasing these numbers. New countries and manufacturing sectors are being introduces as well as products and productions. When managing your company, you have to compete with artificial intelligence as well as with other Virtonomics players from all over the world. Virtonomics is translated to English, Chinese and French which is integrated with all popular social networks. Virtonomics is not a casino, then you can not earn real money from this game.
In the first time, after you registered as the new business man, you will get a letter from your rich uncle which tell you how hard to life as a businessman and how to survive. He will sent you a gift, a basic setup of your business empire, and let you to choose between accept his gift or build your own company from scratch. I recomended you to accept your richie rich uncle's gift, then develope it. Then, you build your own office. In the process to build office, you will meet a few steps such as select the country, the city, the size of your office, give and your office a name. Open your office, then you need to employ staff and get a computer equipment for your staff. Also make sure to tweak the number of employee to hire, their salary and the computer equipment accordingly to ensure that you have full efficiency for your office. I recomend you to choose a small office, for a first time because you will need more money to build a factory and a farm, buy technology of factory and also farm, rent a store, a fitness center, a warehouse, and a laboratory. Better to start with computers quality 1 and put workers' qualification as required. The day in Virtonomics is not in real time, it is based on server time. One day in real time is a week in Virtonomics' server time. For the next guide, you can visit Virtonomics' forum or wiki.virtonomics.
Many experience and education that you may get from play Virtonomics. You will learn how to survive in business life, how to competition in the market, how to organize your office and factory to keep stable, how to make your turn over in positive balance, how to get the first rank in retail, production, technology, brand, and famous. This game has no end round, then to end this game, your way is only get bankrupt and start from the beginning then meet your uncle again. Have fun! :D

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